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[Get.rigf] Indigenous Peoples' Cultural Property Claims Repatriation and Beyond

[Get.rigf] Indigenous Peoples' Cultural Property Claims Repatriation and Beyond

[Get.rigf] Indigenous Peoples' Cultural Property Claims Repatriation and Beyond

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[Get.rigf] Indigenous Peoples' Cultural Property Claims Repatriation and Beyond

This book analyses the legal aspects of international claims by indigenous peoples for the repatriation of their cultural property, and explores what legal norms and normative orders would be appropriate for resolving these claims. To establish context, the book first provides insights into the exceptional legislative responses to the cultural property claims of Native American tribes in the United States and looks at the possible relevance of this national law on the international level. It then shifts to the multinational setting by using the method of legal pluralism and takes into consideration international human rights law, international cultural heritage law, the applicable national laws in the United Kingdom, France and Switzerland, transnational law such as museum codes, and decision-making in extra-legal procedures. In the process, the book reveals the limits of the law in dealing with the growing imperative of human rights in the field, and concludes with three basic insights that are of key relevance for improving the law and decision-making with regard to indigenous peoples’ cultural property.​ UN News Centre - United Nations United Nations News Centre with breaking news from the UN News Service 1996 Report of the Royal Commission on Aboriginal Peoples This book introduces you to some of the main themes and conclusions in the final report of the Royal Commission on Aboriginal Peoples. That report is a complete ... JSTOR: Viewing Subject: Law JSTOR is a digital library of academic journals books and primary sources. Cultural assimilation of Native Americans - Wikipedia The cultural assimilation of Native Americans was an assimilation effort by the United States to transform Native American culture to EuropeanAmerican culture ... Native American - Native American history indigenous ... Native American history is made additionally complex by the diverse geographic and cultural backgrounds of the peoples involved. As one would expect indigenous ... Native Americans in the United States - Wikipedia In the United States Native Americans (also known as American Indians Amerindians Indigenous Americans or simply Indians; see Terminology differences) are people ... Protocols for Native American Archival Materials Preamble. These Protocols are presented to guide libraries and archives in engaging in culturally responsive care of Native American archival materials and in ... 11. Indigenous spiritual practices Ontario Human Rights ... Indigenous peoples practice diverse spiritual traditions in Ontario reflecting the diversity of Indigenous peoples in Ontario and Canada. This section addresses the ... John P. Schmal INDIGENOUS MEXICO STATISTICS: THE 2010 CENSUS. By John P. Schmal . The 2010 Census. The results of the 2010 Mexican Census have been published and a comparison with ... Native American Documentary Films - Native American ... A compilation of Native American Documentary Films in the MSU Library
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